Thursday, September 20, 2012

Return of the Eggs

The eggs have returned.

I believe we are finally over our Fowl Pox issue and are now seeing production again.

We currently have 17 Heritage Rhode Island Red eggs in the incubator along with 2 Khaki Campbell Duck eggs.

My barn yard mix hens have left me a glorious 3 eggs in the last 2 days. There are twelve hens and two roosters in that particular run and pen so I should be seeing a huge rise in production in a few days. These poor hens were hit with a very bad case of fowl pox and after coming out from that decided to molt.

At this point none of my other hens, including my Old English and my Cochin hens, have returned to laying but I am hoping in a short time they will all be feeling back up to par and giving me some wonderful eggs to place in the incubator.

Sallie Mae, the latest Boer Goat doe that we bought has been loving on Charleston, our buck. They are both around 9 months old at this point and should be playing the mating game. Daisy Mae, also 9 months old, seems less interested in the idea of mating with Charleston and more interested in beating him to the feed trough.

Our goats graze at their leisure and we also supplement with sweet feed, oats, and hay. It is amazing to see how fast the goats grow and how well they thrived through the hot summer. They seem to be enjoying the cooler temperatures and I often find them in the mornings playing in the back part of the pasture. 

We are working on getting the side area tilled so we can get our fall garden in the ground. We are several days past due on this. Here is hoping that the weekend is a productive one rather than a destructive one. You know how that works. You go to use something and it falls apart even though it worked fine the very last time you used it? I like to call it farmer aggravation. 

I am interested in hearing what you other hobby farmers are planting in your fall crops and how your family of animals is doing! 

Tonight I will leave you with a photo of Daisy (left) and Charleston (right).


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