Tuesday, September 25, 2012

28 Heritage Rhode Island Red eggs and 9 duck eggs, all nestled in a friendly, warm incubator.

2 eggs are in the duck nest. I am leaving them there to see how the ducks respond. They are all new layers and so I am curious to see how long it will take them to figure out that they are suppose to actually set on them. I am also curious which one will prove to be broody.

The Cochin pen has an egg today, too. How exciting. I love my Cochin chickens. They are always ready to be mommies and never mind setting for long days on the nest. I hear a lot of people who just don't care for broody hens, however, I rather like them. They are good foster mothers as well and they will take good care of all the chicks. I would much rather let a hen be a mother than incubate babies. Hens do a much better job of mothering chicks than I could ever do.

Have you ever seen a mother hen? It is the most amazing thing. The chicks depend on her much like our children depend on us. The mothers spend every moment checking on their chicks. 

Although it is actually fall the weather has been in the mid to high 90's here and the chickens just aren't sure what is going on. Last week we had several cool days and the birds were really active. This week they look at me like I am the mean weather woman.

Some of our hens have decided to molt. Naturally this was a tad bit aggravating since I haven't been getting eggs lately. I suppose that it is actually a good thing. As much as I love eggs I prefer that they go ahead and go through their molting process. Get it all over with at one time!

This weekend we will be adding 8 turkeys, 5 Sumatra's, and 10 Brahma's to our wonderful. I have never had turkeys so I will be doing some reading over the next few days to figure out what we should be doing and how they react with other things.

Well, my chickens, ducks, and goats are awaiting their dinner so I must go for now. Let me know what your favorite breed of chickens are and why you like that breed so much if you have a chance. 


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