The New Farm...
We finally were able to get all our animals and items moved to the new farm. Although we did not have far to move (about 1/2 a mile) it was quiet a chore with all the animals, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then New Years all packed into a 5 week period.
We have gotten two wonderful snows since we moved and that has slowed the process a lot but for the most part we have been able to enjoy the new place as we learn all the wonderful things there are to learn when you move into a different place.
Our ducks now enjoy a large, constant pond rather than the homemade one we made at the other place. There is plenty of room for them to bob under the water, swim around, and be free.
The goats are settling in nicely. We are due to have babies sometime between the end of January and the first of March. Hannah and Holly (both are 7-9 years old) were not bred when they were with us. They were bought after breeding and so the previous owner isn't sure, when exactly, they were bred.
Sally was bred in November, after they were moved to the new property. She is filling out nicely. Daisy Mae was a slower breed and wasn't bred until the first part of December.
We bought two more does to go with our girls. They are named Dorothy and Princess. We are excited to get them to our farm but won't be able to bring them here until the end of January. We believe both of them to be bred. The owner is unsure of their breed date so we will be surprised when they drop their babies as well. Dorothy is a 2 year old female who has never had a baby..she is pregnant for the first time. Princess just birthed a baby 5 months ago and had a single buckling. She is 3.
This will give us 6 doe's for Charleston, our buck. We are hoping, of course that all the females drop triplets. If they did this that would mean we would have 18 babies inside of the next 4 months. What an interesting thing to endure. We are happy if we just have one baby per female but will welcome as many babies as we can.
Herman, our little 13 year old Yorkie passed just shortly after we moved and we also lost our goat dog. We gained Cowboy, a Pyrenese mix and he is learning his job well. He is fond of every animal we have accept the kitten. It might have something to do with the kitten being fiercely aggressive.
This will our first time birthing baby goats so we excitedly await the new arrivals. I think the experience will be one to remember for all time.
The kids go back to school tomorrow and there are so many things to do so I will close with some photo's from the new farm.
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