I apologize for the time away from the blog. We had been preparing for the Carter County Fair as well as working on some buildings and getting some things ready for the fall season.
We did fairly well at the fair. Our Heritage Rhode Island Reds won first place for Rooster, Pullet, and Hen in their class.
Our Khaki Campbell Ducks won first and second place respectively for each pair. The younger pair placed first while the older pair placed second. They also won first and second place for singles in their division.
Daphne, our Pekin hen, won first place in her class. She was able to get out of her cage several times during the school time showing and let the kids pet and handle her. She did very well and didn't seem to be overly upset about the whole ordeal.
Our pigeons, Duke and Di, won first place for male and female. They did not seem to enjoy all of the noise like Daphne did but they did well in their class of birds and for that we are grateful.
We brought home a total of 8 first place ribbons, 2 second place ribbons, a fourth place ribbon and a fifth place ribbon. We were very proud that every single bird we entered placed in their division.
After a full day at the fair and several other days of going to town and caring for the birds during the viewing and judging we, as a family and our birds, were exhausted when we arrived home at 10pm last night.
An hour of putting up birds, checking our other birds, and making sure everything was secure made the day seem longer but every single minute of it was worth it.
The ducks were very happy to be home to their pond. There isn't water for them to play in at the fair but I was still rather surprised when we put them back in their pens that the ducks headed straight for bathing time instead of nestling in for a good nights sleep with their pals.
More exciting news is that we added another Boer Goat to put in with Charleston and Daisy Mae. Her name is Sally Mae and she is quiet active. I haven't been able to get a photo of her yet but hope to add some in the next few days. She, like Daisy and Charleston, was born in January. This means that we have a good start to a breeding set of goats that are all around the same age. Sally Mae has already come into heat (we only figured that out once we put her in the pen). If the breeding "took" we should have a kid on the ground around February.
I am leaving you tonight with a video of some of the ducks. We have added 3 more since this video was taken but I love to watch them! Forgive my daughter and her loud talking! Somehow she didn't realize that recording was on while I was taking the video.
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