Good Evening!
Actually, I suppose I should say Good it is nearing 11 pm and the farm is still bustling with the chirps of babies.
We hatched 5 Tennessee Red Quail today, another Heritage Rhode Island Red (I expect the final one to showcase it's beauty tonight as it is pipping), several more BB Red Chicks, and one more Blue Red chick.
The Tennessee Quail are just so tiny. It seems unreal that they are even big enough to survive. They are all nestled in their little box with the heat lamp on and learning how to move around and even play a little.
Above are the Tennessee Red Quail. I have never seen anything this tiny hatch before. They look enormous compared to their egg size but so little compared to anything else we have hatched.
We have been considering adding some different breeds of chickens to our farm. We already share our lives with 29 different breeds but have wanted to expand a little and add some more standard size chickens.
Today at the Sulpher Trade Days we found a lady selling hatching eggs for $1.50 a dozen. We were impressed with the price and went ahead and got 1 dozen Welsummer eggs and 1 dozen Standard White Leghorn eggs.
The Welsummer eggs are an amazingly beautiful brown egg. I have never seen such pretty eggs. I loved them so much I ordered 5 more dozen for the lady to bring over the next two weeks. I want to have some time to study up on the breed and learn as much as I can about them while we are waiting for them to hatch.
Above are the Welsummer eggs. The eggs are all of extra large size and have a beautiful color.
The egg above is one of the lighter colored Welsummer eggs in the dozen that we bought, however, because of the size I presume it should hold a double yolk. If it is fertile and is double yolked we will be having a set of twins in a few weeks.
These huge white eggs are the Standard White Leghorn eggs that we got today. These are also of extra large size and should make pretty good sized chicks.
Finding hatching eggs for $1.50 a dozen is almost unheard of so I am thankful we found ourselves a source for some eggs that we could possible be able to expand our farm with.
I am hoping, in the weeks to come, that I will be able to show some photos of some great looking chicks.
We hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend and that the new week is filled with Eggcitement and Energy.
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