Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby Goats Have Arrived

So I wake up yesterday morning to the incubator making little chirping noises. I looked in to see 3 little baby chicks. I knew there were a lot more to hatch so I let them be and didn't disturb them.

We went to church and came home for our BBQ. Morgan's friend did meet us at church and then followed us home. The meat wasn't anywhere near done so we sat and visited while the rest of the meat cooked.

About 4 p.m. the ribs and asparagus were ready to be pulled off the smoker but the pork butt roast wasn't. We got our plates and ate and figured we would just send some of the roast home with the guy and he could make another meal out of it. 

 Morgan went to get the roast off the smoker and heard something crying. He looked out into the pasture and Hannah had one of her babies down by the pond in the mud. He hollered at me and I came running. Went and got the little baby. He was soaked in mud and had been struggling to stand for some time. He was cold. I got him all warmed up and into the barn. Hannah followed me closely. We got her into the barn area and she had baby #2. Twins was all we ended up with. 

So we ended up with 26 baby chicks and 2 goats at the end of the day. 

Jasper, the oldest goat, which was a male, is still having problems standing. Sunday, the second goat is a female and she is doing well.

Hannah never could get the babies to suckle last night so we brought them inside and bottle fed them. Every two hours we would go outside, milk Hannah, bring it in, put it  in a bottle, and feed babies. All night long. 

I got up at 7 yesterday morning and got to bed about 5 this morning. I slept for a few hours before having to take the babies out and reintroduce them to their mother. They spent all day outside but are now back in the house because it is suppose to get to 27 degrees tonight. With the male not being able to stand yet and them being so small we can't let them stay in the barn or they will freeze.
 The worst part is having to go out and milk Ms. Hannah in the cold. She isn't very happy when we take her babies and being locked in a small stable with her when she is angry at you and your trying to get milk can be a bit of a problem. She is only being aggressive because we have stolen what is rightfully hers. She is very pleased in the morning when we return her bundles of joy to her.

We are hoping the little man can start to walk tomorrow. 

I was so tired this morning  that I fell asleep, on the floor, in front of the wood stove, holding onto one of the goats.  I couldn't have been happier with where I fell asleep.

I am adding some photo's..with the hope that everyone realizes birthing goats is a dirty, nasty job and not something you show up for in your Sunday best or anything. 

I was so tired I fell asleep trying to get the goat calmed down. 

Hope everyone has a great week!


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